Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First Class

First day of the resources class, I am going with a directionless mind. Being new in UM, everywhere and everyone is new to me. Maybe I should say that I have experienced a little bit of culture shock when I get to know that most of our courses are using technology and one of them is resources class, which is contrasting of what I thought at first. When the word, “Resources” comes into my mind, I knew I have to be really ‘resourceful’ and ‘creative’ as it will be involving a lot of creativity works. However, I have never thought that these CREATIVITY has something to do with the TECHNOLOGY. I was quite surprised and it actually hit my head off.

Well, first day in the class, Puan Foziah wanted us to open up a blog. A blog! It is totally a big and great challenge for me. I know it is one of the trendiest to be followed on the net lately. However, I must admit that I am not that advanced especially on the net. As a result, I had difficulty in creating my blog. Sounds funny, right? Haha.. what a shamed. However, with the help of my housemates, I managed to open up a blog successfully in the end. It is a great achievement for me.

Besides, we have also been told to buy at least a 8 gb pendrive or a hardisc for this course. First thing comes into my mind is that “why are we needing so much space for our pendrive?”, “What are things that we need to keep into the pendrive?” All sort of questions come into my mind. Well, I believe this would be a long journey for me to go on. Hopefully, I will find all these answers by the end of this semester.

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