Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This week, we started our class by being shown on the sample of e-book that has been done by Pn Foziah herself. We were shown and told how an e-book should be looked like. We were told to be careful and be more selective in the pictures that we are going to use in our e-book as it should attract the pupils’ attentions as well as initiate their interest in reading it. we were also remind on some of the aspects as stated below:

For e-book, there must be:

1) a theme to the story.
2) setting (time and place)
3) plot that shows the conflict, climax and resolution
4) characterization
5) navigational tools to make sure the slides can work properly (can go to next slide and previous slide)
6) pictures must be clear cut and colourful, no different shades or shadows.
7) sound to accompany the e-book reading.

This is to ensure that we would be able to produce a useful and interesting e-book in delivering the messages effectively to the pupils. To make it more interesting, my partner and I have also do some animations on the pictures, sound effect and sound recording to make the story more realistic. For this, children can click on the slides one by one according to their reading speed.

Besides, we were also shown on how to do videos and were introduced to some softwares that we can use in creating a movie. We were too, given extra module 2 which are much more challenging and complicated than the one we have did before this.

Well, I guess that’s all for this week reflection. See you.

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