Sunday, October 17, 2010

Video Editing

Here comes another week. Today we are asked to submit our task 2-e-Book, task 3-the lesson plan, and also module 2. Then we work on our video editing with our partner.

My theme for the video is mother nature which is basically about the environmental issues that we have in our daily life nowadays. We thought the video is good enough as we have arranged the pictures in sequences which starts from the beautiful environment that we have had before the disruption of the earth. we then present the video by inserting the pictures of how human beings begin to destroy the mother nature by causing land, water, and air pollution which subsequently causes natural disaster such as tornado, tsunami, earthquake, volcano eruption etc to happen. There, we tell the story by using the pictures and make them into a video. We have too, inserted the next part where we helps to heal the world, heal our mother nature by doing and joining meaningful activities such as planting trees, collecting rubbish and recycling etc. These brings out clear image to the pupils on the awareness of environmental issues as well as the part and the role that we should play to help our world. However, when we shown to Mdm Foziah about our video, she said it should be personalised which means that we ourselves should be inside the pictures in order to bring out the message to the pupils. We must too, remember that we as, teachers should be aware that we are the role model. Therefore, we should capture our own picture and put them into the video in order to persuade the pupils in putting words into actions.

Hence, we are trying to edit by putting our pictures into the video to make it more realistic as well as making it more effective in bringing the awareness to the pupils. we are still editing on it.
Hopefully, it will be a better and a more effective one.

That's all for this week.
see you.

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